About Us

Cavendish Connects (CC) works to strengthen and sustain prosperity for the Cavendish community using a combination of digital tools, community outreach, education and information. We hope to grow the site with your feedback and suggestions. Stay connected to the local community through the following Cavendish Connects initiatives:

Cavendish Update
Our weekly digest of local news; it can be read on our blog or you can subscribe to receive it directly via e-mail. 

Cavendish VT Facebook page
Find us on Facebook! You can view our community page on Facebook without having a Facebook account, though to post comments you must be a Facebook subscriber. This is a good place to check daily, particularly if there is an emergency.

"The Dish" Blog
Features longer news articles, the weekly update, and photographs, etc. During times of emergency it is where information is posted between e-mail alerts.
Follow us on Instagram on your mobile phone to see local photographs of Cavendish. Don't have smartphone? You can view our account online here
A visual “bookmarking” tool, people will be posting various aspects of Cavendish life in order to help those who want to know more about the town, what’s happening, new businesses etc. 


E-mail: cavendishconnects@gmail.com
Phone: 802-226-7807
Address: P.O. Box 3, Cavendish, VT 05142

Who We Are


Margo Caulfield

Advisory Panel

Katie Hamlin
Gloria Leven
Seymour Leven
Cheryl Liener
Doug McBride
Mary Ormrod
Kem Phillips
Svetlana Phillips
Carl Snyder 

Share Your Feedback

Have feedback regarding the site? Have something to add? We welcome your comments and contributions! Please e-mail us at cavendishconnects@gmail.com or fill out the following form below to share your ideas.